Jul 6, 2018

Creating Shortcut for quick Shutdown and Restart

How to Create Shutdown shortcut

Today I am goanna taught about how to make shortcut to Shutdown your computer or Laptop. This trick helps you to quick shutdown Computer or laptop.
1.       Right Click on your desktop.
2.       Click on New
3.       Choose Shortcut
4.       Shortcut will be open

5.       In next menu type: shutdown –s –t 00
6.       Now click on  next and then click on finish
That's it. Now Double click on created shortcut. Your Computer will be Shutdown.

How to Create Restart shortcut

1.       Right Click on your desktop.
2.       Click on New
3.       Choose Shortcut
4.       Shortcut will be open
5.       In next menu type: shutdown –r –t 00
6.       Now click on  next and then click on finish
That's it. Now Double click on created shortcut. Your Computer will restart.