Jul 5, 2018

Fast Typing Tips

Fast typing is most important to everyone for their regular work and business. But it is not simple to everyone. There are no other secret tips or tricks to becoming a faster typist. That might seem disappointing at first, but what it actually means is that anybody can get fast at typing with time and more practice. Once you can type without looking down at keys you will find your speed going up boost.
You need a good body position and to know where to position your fingers on the key.

Some Tips & Tricks for Fast typing:
1.     Place your body position good and comfort.
2.     Know your keyboard proper.
3.     Getting your finger position proper on keyboard.
4.     Close your eyes and say the keys out loud as you press them.
5.     Do the more Practicing and Improving
a.      Practice with some online game
b.     Practice with dictation