Jan 2, 2019

Computer Model Question

Computer Director 2nd Class officer Model questions
Loksewa Aayog
loksewa computer director questions, Loksewa-computer-operator-exam-preparation-Loksewa-MCQ

1.    Define the terms e-Government and e-Governance. Explain ICT infrastructure need to implement e-Government in Nepal.                                                    (5+10)=15    
2.   Define software prototyping. What are the prototyping approaches in software process? Explain the difficulties of requirement elicitation. Also explain the different types of user acceptance testing with their significances.                      (3+5+3+4)=15
3.        What is normalization? Explain the concept of 1NF, 2NF and 3NF with examples. Differentiate between relational model and object oriented model. Explain the significances of managing the data using data cubes?    
4.        How do you define software quality? What is the role of software quality assurance? What steps are required to perform statistical software quality assurance?  (6+6+8)=20
5.        What do you mean by mapping function? Mention the different types of mapping function and compare each of them.                                                           (5+10)=15
6.        Explain the electronic payment process. In your opinion, what are the challenges faced by the organizations for making the online payment of goods and services possible in Nepal? Also explain the significance of electronic data interchange (EDI). Can Nepal benefit if EDI is implemented in Nepal? Explain with solutions with the challenges of implementation.                                    20

~The End~

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