Jun 28, 2018

LokSewa Pararastra Note

1.   What are the roles of an diplomatic mission abroad to promote foreign employment of Nepal ?
      Ans. :-  Nepal has been employing economic diplomacy for more than a decade now. Foreign employment is one of the main components of economic diplomacy. Nepal has opened some diplomatic missions (embassies) in the destination countries of our labour. Our embassies need to play active roles in order to promote foreign employment. Such roles may include activities like disseminating information about the availability of workers of various categories  negotiating labour agreements,
organizing various job fairs, protecting our nationals against any maltreatment etc.

2.   What are the main objectives of SAARC ?
      Ans. :- The main objectives of SAARC include the following :
      – to promote the welfare of the peoples of South Asia and improve their quality of
      – to accelerate economic growth, social progress and cultural development in the
      – to promote and strengthen collective self-reliance.
      – to contribute to mutual trust, understanding and appreciation of one another's
      – to co-operate with international and regional organizations with similar aims and

3.   How do you assess Nepal's contributions towards the establishment of peace through the UN ?
Ans. :- Nepal is a strong supporter of world peace. Nepal has been participating in the UN peacekeeping operations for over five decades now. More than 3,600 Nepali peacekeepers are currently serving in various conflict areas around the world to restore peace and stability under the command of the UN.

Nepal's long and continued contribution for world peace through the UN has been well-appreciated by the world community. It has raised Nepal's image in the world. Nepal is currently the fifth largest troop contributing nation.

4.   What is "one China policy" ? What is Nepal's position on it ?
      Ans. :- This means there is only one China i.e Peoples Republic of China. It doesn't not Taiwan (Republic of China) and Tibet as separate entity. Nepal recognizes sovereignty of the Peoples Republic of China over Taiwan and Tibet. But this recognition  does to obstruct in respecting cultural, social and religious rights of the Tibetan refugees living in Nepal.

5.   What do you understand by the term "Dean of the diplomatic corps" ?
      Ans. :-  The resident Ambassador who has served the longest in the capital is known as "Dean of the Diplomatic corps". Coordinates with the host government for the matters of interest of the diplomatic corps. Coordinates among the Ambassadors for their social activities. S/he also represents the concerns of the diplomatic community to the host government. Sometimes the senior must ambassador voluntarily does not accept this responsibility and then it goes to ambassador below her/him in seniority.

6.   Outline the main objectives of NAM (Non-aligned Movement). Also name the country hosting the summit conference of the group this year.
      Ans. :- The main objectives are :         
(a) to protect sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of the members;
(b) to attain general and complete disarmament;    
(c) to achieve equality among nations;          
(d) to seek peaceful settlement of  disputes;  
(e) to protect and promote human rights and fundamental freedom;  
(f) to establish new economic order; and      
(g) to struggle against colonization, neocolonization, use of force and all kinds of racial discrimination. Iran is hosting the summit conference of the group on 2012 AD.

7.   Why does Nepal need a well functioning Foreign- Ministry ?
      Ans. :- Nepal must have an efficiently organized Foreign Ministry to make the country maintain good relations with neighbouring countries and other nations. The ministry is an all important organization to maintain sovereignty  and territorial integrity of Nepal. It also contributes to make Nepal's voice heard abroad and promote Nepal's image in the world.
      Some countries may not have all types of Ministries but every country certainly has a Foreign Ministry. For example : Vatican. For smaller country foreign affairs becomes very sensitive matter for national security point of view.

8.   What are the goal and objectives of the Three Year's Interim Plan (2064/65-2066/67) of Nepal ?
      Ans. :- The main goal of the Interim Plan (2064/65-2066/67) is to lay a foundation for economic and social transformation to build a prosperous, modern and just Nepal. The main objectives of the Plan is to generate a feeling of positive change in the lives of the common people by supporting the establishment of peace and reducing the existing unemployment, poverty and inequality in the country.