Jun 28, 2018

LokSewa Pararastra Note 2

1.   What is the UN security council ?
      Ans. :-  The security council is one of the six principal organs of the United Nations.
      The primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security lies with the security council. It has broad powers and can even impose sanctions on states for the sake of international peace and security. Its resolutions have mandatory effects and it can take enforcement actions as well in accordance with the charter. The security council consists of
5 permanent member countries are People's Republic of  China, France, United Kingdom, Russian Federation and the United States of America. And ten non-permanent members, are elected for a two-year period.

2.   What are the main functions of a diplomat abroad ?
      Ans. :- The main functions of a diplomat are as follows :
      a) Representation
      b) Reporting
      c) Promoting economic, commercial and political relations and attracting investment
      d) Consular work i.e. safeguarding the interest of fellow citizens.

3.   What are the main principles of international relations as enshrined in the charter of the United Nations ?
      Ans. :- The main principles of international relations as enshrined in the UN charter are :
      -  Sovereign equality of all states.
      -  Settlement of international disputes by peaceful means.
      -  No threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence
   of any state
-  Non-intervention in matters under the domestic jurisdiction of other states.
-  Fulfill  membership obligations in good faith.

4.   What is the significance of entertaining in the diplomacy community ?
      Ans. :- Diplomats entertain their guests with a view to a) improving the public image of their country; b) to obtain information and opinion; c) to make friends and contacts; d) to assess a situation in an informal manner etc.

5.   What is the process of the appointment of the Secretary General of the South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation ?
      Ans. :- Nominated by a member-state. The member-state is decided in rotation basis as alphabetical order. Recommended by the standing committee and appointed by the council of Ministers. It started with Bangladesh and is progressing alphabetically. Afghanistan is the latest entrant in the SAARC and therefore it nominee will be Secretary General as the last.                                                               

6.   What are the fundamental principles governing the foreign policy of Nepal ?
      Ans. :- The fundamental principles that govern Nepal's foreign policy may be summed up as follows :
      a) Non-alignment;   
b) Panchasheel;       
c) Adherence to the principles and purposes of United Nations and SAARC;       
d) Respect for democracy, human rights, international law and treaties;      
e) Friendship with all peace loving nations; f) Commitment to world peace.

7.   Mention briefly the first person note in the diplomatic correspondence.
      Ans. :- In diplomatic dealings the first person note is a good and efficient means of communication. This note is normally written by the high ranking diplomatic official to his counterpart. Such communication generally relates to the diplomatic information, requests, warming concerned with the bilateral and multilateral relations of the diplomatic nature.

8.   What is the current status of the foreign trade of Nepal ?
      Ans. :- Its present status is not satisfactory. Nepal does not have competitive capability for foreign trade. Nepal is falling highly imbalanced trade with India and China. The current international financial crisis has added more problems to Nepal. The trade gap between Nepal and India is widening, which is not favourable to Nepal.

Long Answer (10 Marks) M—

9.   Why embassies are established ? Do you think that Nepalese Embassies are functioning smoothly ?
      Ans. :- Any sovereign country must project itself in major capitals of the world. Though major countries of the world have their embassies in Nepal nevertheless to present our own point of view, to contradict anything if wrongly reported to create formal our informal circuit groupings of friends of Nepal, to conduct economic diplomacy and to protect interest of the Nepalese citizen. The Nepalese Embassies have been opened in different capitals.

      Keeping in mind lever of resources i.e. human and  material available with Nepalese embassies are can cay that they are functioning satisfactorily.