Aug 14, 2018

LokSewa Officer English

             Each of two or more words having the same pronunciation but different meanings, origins or spelling.

Some Examples of Homophone:

  1. One: The number comes before 2.
    Won: The past tense of "win"
  2. Two: the number that comes after 1
    Too: To a higher degree than desired, also.
    To: In the direction of a particular location.
  3. Four: The number that comes after 3.
    For: If someone receives something if something is done for a reason.
  4. Eight: The number that comes after 7.
    Ate: Past tense form of "eat"
  5. Stake: A strong wooden post with a sharp point at one end.
    Steak: Prime cut of meat, usually beef.
  6. Bean: Edible seed that grows in pads on leguminous plants
    Been: Past tense form of "be"
  7. Pear: Common type of fruit
    Pair: A set of two things
  8. Bread: Type of food
    Bred: Past tense form of "breed"- to raise or develop animal stock.
  9. Chilli: Small spicy pepper or pod used in cooking.
    Chilly: A bit cold, not warm
  10. Mussel: Mollusc with purple-brown shell.
    Muscle: Type of human body tissue.
  11. Berry: Small pulpy fruit.
    Bury: Put or hide underground.
  12. Thyme: Type of aromatic herb.
    Time: Period, measure of second/minutes/hours etc.
  13. Mousse: Light and fluffy dessert.
    Moose: Large animal in the deer family.
  14. You: Used to refer to the person or people being addressed.
    Ewe: Female sheep.
    Yew: Type of evergreen tree.