Aug 20, 2018

Nepal Bank Limited 6th level IT

Nepal Bank Limited
6th level
2nd paper
  1. Develop a training proposal on cyber security awareness program for all the staff of Nepal Bank Limited.    (12)
  2. a) What are the purposes of Data Flow Diagram and Entity Relationship Diagrams? Give an example of each diagram.  (6)
    b) List and explain different types of testing done during the data testing phase.    (6)
  3. What is normalization? Explain its advantages.    (12)
  4. What do you understand by Local Area Network (LAN)? Describe Data Center(DC) and Disaster Recovery Center (DRC). Explain how could technology make a difference in ICT infrastructure hosting.    (12)
  5. Define risk in IT project. Mention its types. Briefly explain risk components and drivers.  (12)